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Ruby client documentation

This documentation is for developers interested in using the GOV.UK Notify Ruby client to send emails, text messages or letters.

Set up the client

Install the client

Run the following in the command line:

gem install 'notifications-ruby-client'

Refer to the client changelog for the version number and the latest updates.

Create a new instance of the client

Add this code to your application:

require 'notifications/client'
client =

To get an API key, sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the API integration page. You can find more information in the API keys section of this documentation.

Send a message

You can use GOV.UK Notify to send emails, text messages and letters.

Send a text message


smsresponse = client.send_sms(
  phone_number: "+447900900123",
  template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a",


phone_number (required)

The phone number of the text message recipient. This can be a UK or international number. For example:

template_id (required)

To find the template ID:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Templates page and select the relevant template.
  3. Select Copy template ID to clipboard.

For example:

personalisation (optional)

If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or reference number, you must provide their values in a hash. For example:

personalisation: {
  name: "John Smith",
  ID: "300241",

You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information.

reference (optional)

A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example:

reference: "your_reference_string"

You can leave out this argument if you do not have a reference.

sms_sender_id (optional)

A unique identifier of the sender of the text message notification.

To find the text message sender:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. In the Text Messages section, select Manage on the Text Message sender row.

You can then either:

  • copy the sender ID that you want to use and paste it into the method
  • select Change to change the default sender that the service uses, and select Save

For example:

sms_sender_id: "8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2"

You can leave out this argument if your service only has one text message sender, or if you want to use the default sender.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named smsresponse.

You can then call different methods on this object:

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
smsresponse.reference reference argument String
smsresponse.content - body: Message body sent to the recipient
- from_number: SMS sender number of your service
smsresponse.template Contains the id, version and uri of the template Hash
smsresponse.uri Notification URL String

If you are using the test API key, all your messages come back with a delivered status.

All messages sent using the team and guest list or live keys appear on your GOV.UK Notify dashboard.

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 BadRequestError: Can't send to this recipient using a team-only API key BadRequestError Use the correct type of API key
400 BadRequestError: Can't send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see BadRequestError Your service cannot send this notification in trial mode
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
429 RateLimitError: Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds RateLimitError Refer to API rate limits for more information
429 TooManyRequestsError: Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today ClientError Refer to service limits for the limit number
500 Exception: Internal server error ServerError Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification

Send an email


emailresponse = client.send_email(
  email_address: "",
  template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a",


email_address (required)

The email address of the recipient. For example:

email_address: ""
template_id (required)

To find the template ID:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Templates page and select the relevant template.
  3. Select Copy template ID to clipboard.

For example:

template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a"
personalisation (optional)

If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or reference number, you must provide their values in a hash. For example:

personalisation: {
  name: "John Smith",
  year: "2016",
  # pass in an array and it will appear as bullet points in the message:
  required_documents: ["passport", "utility bill", "other id"],

You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information.

reference (optional)

A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example:

reference: "your_reference_string"

You can leave out this argument if you do not have a reference.

If you send subscription emails you must let recipients opt out of receiving them. Read our Using Notify page for more information about unsubscribe links.

The one-click unsubscribe URL will be added to the headers of your email. Email clients will use it to add an unsubscribe button.

one_click_unsubscribe_url: ""

The one-click unsubscribe URL must respond to an empty POST request by unsubscribing the user from your emails. You can include query parameters to help you identify the user.

Your unsubscribe URL and response must comply with the guidance specified in Section 3.1 of IETF RFC 8058.

You can leave out this argument if the email being sent is not a subscription email.

You must also add an unsubscribe link to the bottom of your email. The unsubscribe link at the bottom of your email should take the email recipient to a webpage where they can confirm that they want to unsubscribe.

Find out how to add a link when you create a New template or Edit an email template.

email_reply_to_id (optional)

This is an email address specified by you to receive replies from your users. You must add at least one reply-to email address before your service can go live.

To add a reply-to email address:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. In the Email section, select Manage on the Reply-to email addresses row.
  4. Select Add reply-to address.
  5. Enter the email address you want to use, and select Add.

For example:

email_reply_to_id: '8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2'

You can leave out this argument if your service only has one email reply-to address, or you want to use the default email address.

Send a file by email

To send a file by email, add a placeholder to the template then upload a file. The placeholder will contain a secure link to download the file.

The links are unique and unguessable. GOV.UK Notify cannot access or decrypt your file.

Your file will be available to download for a default period of 26 weeks (6 months).

To help protect your files you can also:

  • ask recipients to confirm their email address before downloading
  • choose the length of time that a file is available to download

Add contact details to the file download page

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. In the Email section, select Manage on the Send files by email row.
  4. Enter the contact details you want to use, and select Save.

Add a placeholder to the template

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Templates page and select the relevant email template.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Add a placeholder to the email template using double brackets. For example: “Download your file at: ((link_to_file))”

Your email should also tell recipients how long the file will be available to download.

Upload your file

You can upload the following file types:

  • CSV (.csv)
  • image (.jpeg, .jpg, .png)
  • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx)
  • Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx)
  • PDF (.pdf)
  • text (.json, .odt, .rtf, .txt)

Your file must be smaller than 2MB. Contact the GOV.UK Notify team if you need to send other file types.

  1. Pass the file object as an argument to the Notifications.prepare_upload helper method.
  2. Pass the result into the personalisation argument.

For example:"file.pdf", "rb") do |f|
    personalisation: {
      first_name: "Amala",
      application_date: "2018-01-01",
      link_to_file: Notifications.prepare_upload(f),

Set the filename

To do this you will need version 6.0.0 of the Ruby client library, or a more recent version.

You should provide a filename when you upload your file.

The filename should tell the recipient what the file contains. A memorable filename can help the recipient to find the file again later.

The filename must end with a file extension. For example, .csv for a CSV file. If you include the wrong file extension, recipients may not be able to open your file.

If you do not provide a filename for your file, Notify will:

  • generate a random filename
  • try to add the correct file extension

If Notify cannot add the correct file extension, recipients may not be able to open your file."file.csv", "rb") do |f|
    personalisation: {
      first_name: "Amala",
      application_date: "2018-01-01",
      link_to_file: Notifications.prepare_upload(f, filename="2023-12-25-daily-report.csv"),

Ask recipients to confirm their email address before they can download the file

When a recipient clicks the link in the email you’ve sent them, they have to enter their email address. Only someone who knows the recipient’s email address can download the file.

This security feature is turned on by default.

If you do not want to use this feature, you can turn it off on a file-by-file basis.

To do this you will need version 5.4.0 of the Ruby client library, or a more recent version.

You should not turn this feature off if you send files that contain:

  • personally identifiable information
  • commercially sensitive information
  • information classified as ‘OFFICIAL’ or ‘OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE’ under the Government Security Classifications policy

To let the recipient download the file without confirming their email address, set the confirm_email_before_download flag to false."file.pdf", "rb") do |f|
    personalisation: {
      first_name: "Amala",
      application_date: "2018-01-01",
      link_to_file: Notifications.prepare_upload(f, confirm_email_before_download: false),

Choose the length of time that a file is available to download

Set the number of weeks you want the file to be available using the retention_period key.

To use this feature will need version 5.4.0 of the Ruby client library, or a more recent version.

You can choose any value between 1 week and 78 weeks. When deciding this, you should consider:

  • the need to protect the recipient’s personal information
  • whether the recipient will need to download the file again later

If you do not choose a value, the file will be available for the default period of 26 weeks (6 months).

Files sent before 12 April 2023 had a longer default period of 78 weeks (18 months)."file.pdf", "rb") do |f|
    personalisation: {
      first_name: "Amala",
      application_date: "2018-01-01",
      link_to_file: Notifications.prepare_upload(f, retention_period: '52 weeks'),


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named emailresponse.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
emailresponse.reference reference argument String
emailresponse.content - body: Message body
- subject: Message subject
- from_email: From email address of your service found on the Settings page
emailresponse.template Contains the id, version and uri of the template Hash
emailresponse.uri Notification URL String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 BadRequestError: Can't send to this recipient using a team-only API key BadRequestError Use the correct type of API key
400 BadRequestError: Can't send to this recipient when service is in trial mode - see BadRequestError Your service cannot send this notification in trial mode
400 BadRequestError: Unsupported file type '(FILE TYPE)'. Supported types are: '(ALLOWED TYPES)' BadRequestError Wrong file type. You can only upload .csv, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .jpg, .odt, .pdf, .png, .rtf, .txt or .xlsx files
400 BadRequestError: `filename` cannot be longer than 100 characters" BadRequestError Choose a shorter filename
400 BadRequestError: `filename` must end with a file extension. For example, filename.csv" BadRequestError Include the file extension in your filename
400 BadRequestError: Unsupported value for retention_period '(PERIOD)'. Supported periods are from 1 to 78 weeks. BadRequestError Choose a period between 1 and 78 weeks
400 BadRequestError: Unsupported value for confirm_email_before_download: '(VALUE)'. Use a boolean true or false value. BadRequestError Use either true or false
400 BadRequestError: File did not pass the virus scan BadRequestError The file contains a virus
400 BadRequestError: Send files by email has not been set up - add contact details for your service at ID)/service-settings/send-files-by-email BadRequestError See how to add contact details to the file download page
400 BadRequestError: Can only send a file by email BadRequestError Make sure you are using an email template
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
429 RateLimitError: Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds RateLimitError Refer to API rate limits for more information
429 TooManyRequestsError: Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today RateLimitError Refer to service limits for the limit number
500 Exception: Internal server error ServerError Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification
- ArgumentError: File is larger than 2MB") - The file is too big. Files must be smaller than 2MB

Send a letter

When you add a new service it will start in trial mode. You can only send letters when your service is live.

To send Notify a request to go live:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Settings page.
  3. In the Your service is in trial mode section, select request to go live.


letterresponse = client.send_letter(
  template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a",
  personalisation: {
    address_line_1: 'The Occupier',
    address_line_2: '123 High Street',
    address_line_3: 'SW14 6BH',


template_id (required)

To find the template ID:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the Templates page and select the relevant template.
  3. Select Copy template ID to clipboard.

For example:

template_id: "f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a"
personalisation (required)

The personalisation argument always contains the following parameters for the letter recipient’s address:

  • address_line_1
  • address_line_2
  • address_line_3
  • address_line_4
  • address_line_5
  • address_line_6
  • address_line_7

The address must have at least 3 lines.

The last line needs to be a real UK postcode or the name of a country outside the UK.

Notify checks for international addresses and will automatically charge you the correct postage.

The postcode personalisation argument has been replaced. If your template still uses postcode, Notify will treat it as the last line of the address.

Any other placeholder fields included in the letter template also count as required parameters. You must provide their values in a hash. For example:

personalisation: {
  address_line_1: 'The Occupier',  # mandatory address field
  address_line_2: '123 High Street', # mandatory address field
  address_line_3: 'SW14 6BH',  # mandatory address field
  name: 'John Smith', # field from template
  application_date: '2018-01-01' # field from template,
  # pass in an array and it will appear as bullet points in the letter:
  required_documents: ["passport", "utility bill", "other id"],
reference (optional)

A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example:

reference: 'your_reference_string'


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client:ResponseNotification object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named letterresponse.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
letterresponse.reference reference argument String
letterresponse.content - body: Letter body
- subject: Letter subject or main heading
letterresponse.template Contains the id, version and uri of the template Hash
letterresponse.uri Notification URL String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
403 BadRequestError: Cannot send letters with a team api key BadRequestError Use the correct type of API key.
400 BadRequestError: Cannot send letters when service is in trial mode - see BadRequestError Your service cannot send this notification in trial mode.
400 ValidationError: personalisation address_line_1 is a required property BadRequestError Ensure that your template has a field for the first line of the address, refer to personalisation for more information.
400 [{
"error": "ValidationError",
"message": "Must be a real UK postcode"
Ensure that the value for the last line of the address is a real UK postcode.
400 [{
"error": "ValidationError",
"message": "Last line of address must be a real UK postcode or another country"
Ensure that the value for the last line of the address is a real UK postcode or the name of a country outside the UK.
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock.
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information.
429 RateLimitError: Exceeded rate limit for key type TEAM/TEST/LIVE of 3000 requests per 60 seconds RateLimitError Refer to API rate limits for more information.
429 TooManyRequestsError: Exceeded send limits (LIMIT NUMBER) for today RateLimitError Refer to service limits for the limit number.
500 Exception: Internal server error ServerError Notify was unable to process the request, resend your notification.

Send a precompiled letter


precompiled_letter = client.send_precompiled_letter(reference, pdf_file)


reference (required)

A unique identifier you create. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address.

pdf_file (required)

The precompiled letter must be a PDF file which meets the GOV.UK Notify letter specification."path/to/pdf_file", "rb") do |pdf_file|
    client.send_precompiled_letter("your reference", pdf_file)
postage (optional)

You can choose first or second class postage for your precompiled letter. Set the value to first for first class, or second for second class. If you do not pass in this argument, the postage will default to second class.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client:ResponsePrecompiledLetter object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named precompiled_letter.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
precompiled_letter.reference reference argument String
precompiled_letter.postage postage argument String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.status_code error.message class How to fix
403 BadRequestError: Cannot send letters with a team api key BadRequestError Use the correct type of API key
400 BadRequestError: Letter content is not a valid PDF BadRequestError PDF file format is required
400 BadRequestError: Cannot send letters when service is in trial mode - see BadRequestError Your service cannot send this notification in trial mode
400 ValidationError: reference is a required property BadRequestError Add a reference argument to the method call
400 ValidationError: postage invalid. It must be either first or second. BadRequestError Change the value of postage argument in the method call to either ‘first’ or ‘second’
429 RateLimitError: Exceeded rate limit for key type live of 10 requests per 20 seconds RateLimitError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
429 TooManyRequestsError: Exceeded send limits (50) for today RateLimitError Refer to service limits for the limit number

Get message status

Get the status of one message

You can only get the status of messages sent within the retention period. The default retention period is 7 days.


response = client.get_notification(id)


id (required)

The ID of the notification. To find the notification ID, you can either:


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::Notification object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
response.reference String supplied in reference argument String
response.email_address Recipient email address (email only) String
response.phone_number Recipient phone number (SMS only) String
response.line_1 Recipient address line 1 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_2 Recipient address line 2 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_3 Recipient address line 3 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_4 Recipient address line 4 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_5 Recipient address line 5 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_6 Recipient address line 6 of the address (letter only) String
response.postage Postage class of the notification sent (letter only) String
response.type Type of notification sent (sms, email or letter) String
response.status Notification status (sending / delivered / permanent-failure / temporary-failure / technical-failure) String
response.template Template UUID String
response.body Notification body String
response.subject Notification subject (email and letter) String
response.sent_at Date and time notification sent to provider String
response.created_at Date and time notification created String
response.completed_at Date and time notification delivered or failed String
response.created_by_name Name of sender if notification sent manually String
response.one_click_unsubscribe URL that you provided so your recipients can unsubscribe (email only) String
response.is_cost_data_ready This field is true if cost data is ready, and false if it isn’t Boolean
response.cost_in_pounds Cost of the notification in pounds. The cost does not take free allowance into account Float
response.cost_details.billable_sms_fragments Number of billable SMS fragments in your text message (SMS only) Integer
response.cost_details.international_rate_multiplier For international SMS rate is multiplied by this value (SMS only) Integer
response.cost_details.sms_rate Cost of 1 SMS fragment (SMS only) Float
response.cost_details.billable_sheets_of_paper Number of sheets of paper in the letter you sent, that you will be charged for (letter only) Integer
response.cost_details.postage Postage class of the notification sent (letter only) String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: id is not a valid UUID BadRequestError Check the notification ID
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
404 NoResultFound: No result found NotFoundError Check the notification ID. This error occurs if the notification is more than 7 days old.

Get the status of multiple messages

This API call returns one page of up to 250 messages and statuses. You can get either the most recent messages, or get older messages by specifying a particular notification ID in the older_than argument.

You can only get messages that are within your data retention period. The default data retention period is 7 days. It can be changed in your Service Settings.


args = {
  template_type: 'sms',
  status: 'failed',
  reference: 'your_reference_string'
  older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e'
response = client.get_notifications(args)

You can leave out the older_than argument to get the 250 most recent messages.

To get older messages, pass the ID of an older notification into the older_than argument. This returns the next 250 oldest messages from the specified notification ID.


You can leave out these arguments to ignore these filters.

status (optional)

You can filter by each:

You can leave out this argument to ignore this filter.

templateType (optional)

You can filter by:

  • email
  • sms
  • letter
reference (optional)

A unique identifier you can create if necessary. This reference identifies a single unique notification or a batch of notifications. It must not contain any personal information such as name or postal address. For example:

reference: 'your_reference_string'
older_than (optional)

Input the ID of a notification into this argument. If you use this argument, the client returns the next 250 received notifications older than the given ID. For example:

older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e'

If you leave out this argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications.

The client only returns notifications that are 7 days old or newer. If the notification specified in this argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty response.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::NotificationsCollection object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You must then call either the .links method or the .collection method on this object.

Method Information
response.links Returns a hash linking to the requested notifications (limited to 250)
response.collection Returns an array of the required notifications

If you call the collection method on this object to return a notification array, you must then call the following methods on the notifications in this array to return information on those notifications:

Method Information Type Notification UUID String
response.reference String supplied in reference argument String
response.email_address Recipient email address (email only) String
response.phone_number Recipient phone number (SMS only) String
response.line_1 Recipient address line 1 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_2 Recipient address line 2 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_3 Recipient address line 3 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_4 Recipient address line 4 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_5 Recipient address line 5 of the address (letter only) String
response.line_6 Recipient address line 6 of the address (letter only) String
response.postage Postage class of the notification sent (letter only) String
response.postcode Recipient postcode (letter only) String
response.type Type of notification sent (sms, email or letter) String
response.status Notification status (sending / delivered / permanent-failure / temporary-failure / technical-failure) String
response.template Template UUID String
response.body Notification body String
response.subject Notification subject (email and letter) String
response.sent_at Date and time notification sent to provider String
response.created_at Date and time notification created String
response.completed_at Date and time notification delivered or failed String
response.created_by_name Name of sender if notification sent manually String
response.one_click_unsubscribe URL that you provided so your recipients can unsubscribe (email only) String
response.is_cost_data_ready This field is true if cost data is ready, and false if it isn’t Boolean
response.cost_in_pounds Cost of the notification in pounds. The cost does not take free allowance into account Float
response.cost_details.billable_sms_fragments Number of billable SMS fragments in your text message (SMS only) Integer
response.cost_details.international_rate_multiplier For international SMS rate is multiplied by this value (SMS only) Integer
response.cost_details.sms_rate Cost of 1 SMS fragment (SMS only) Float
response.cost_details.billable_sheets_of_paper Number of sheets of paper in the letter you sent, that you will be charged for (letter only) Integer
response.cost_details.postage Postage class of the notification sent (letter only) String

If the notification specified in the older_than argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty collection response.

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: bad status is not one of [created, sending, sent, delivered, pending, failed, technical-failure, temporary-failure, permanent-failure, accepted, received] BadRequestError Contact the GOV.UK Notify team
400 ValidationError: Template type is not one of [sms, email, letter] BadRequestError Contact the GOV.UK Notify team
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information

Email status descriptions

Status Description
created GOV.UK Notify has placed the message in a queue, ready to be sent to the provider. It should only remain in this state for a few seconds.
sending GOV.UK Notify has sent the message to the provider. The provider will try to deliver the message to the recipient for up to 72 hours. GOV.UK Notify is waiting for delivery information.
delivered The message was successfully delivered.
permanent-failure The provider could not deliver the message because the email address was wrong. You should remove these email addresses from your database.
temporary-failure The provider could not deliver the message. This can happen when the recipient’s inbox is full or their anti-spam filter rejects your email. Check your content does not look like spam before you try to send the message again.
technical-failure Your message was not sent because there was a problem between Notify and the provider.
You’ll have to try sending your messages again.

Text message status descriptions

Status Description
created GOV.UK Notify has placed the message in a queue, ready to be sent to the provider. It should only remain in this state for a few seconds.
sending GOV.UK Notify has sent the message to the provider. The provider will try to deliver the message to the recipient for up to 72 hours. GOV.UK Notify is waiting for delivery information.
pending GOV.UK Notify is waiting for more delivery information.
GOV.UK Notify received a callback from the provider but the recipient’s device has not yet responded. Another callback from the provider determines the final status of the text message.
sent The message was sent to an international number. The mobile networks in some countries do not provide any more delivery information. The GOV.UK Notify website displays this status as ‘Sent to an international number’.
delivered The message was successfully delivered. If a recipient blocks your sender name or mobile number, your message will still show as delivered.
permanent-failure The provider could not deliver the message. This can happen if the phone number was wrong or if the network operator rejects the message. If you’re sure that these phone numbers are correct, you should contact GOV.UK Notify support. If not, you should remove them from your database. You’ll still be charged for text messages that cannot be delivered.
temporary-failure The provider could not deliver the message. This can happen when the recipient’s phone is off, has no signal, or their text message inbox is full. You can try to send the message again. You’ll still be charged for text messages to phones that are not accepting messages.
technical-failure Your message was not sent because there was a problem between Notify and the provider.
You’ll have to try sending your messages again. You will not be charged for text messages that are affected by a technical failure.

Letter status descriptions

Status Description
accepted GOV.UK Notify has sent the letter to the provider to be printed.
received The provider has printed and dispatched the letter.
cancelled Sending cancelled. The letter will not be printed or dispatched.
technical-failure GOV.UK Notify had an unexpected error while sending the letter to our printing provider.
permanent-failure The provider cannot print the letter. Your letter will not be dispatched.

Precompiled letter status descriptions

Status Description
accepted GOV.UK Notify has sent the letter to the provider to be printed.
received The provider has printed and dispatched the letter.
cancelled Sending cancelled. The letter will not be printed or dispatched.
pending-virus-check GOV.UK Notify has not completed a virus scan of the precompiled letter file.
virus-scan-failed GOV.UK Notify found a potential virus in the precompiled letter file.
validation-failed Content in the precompiled letter file is outside the printable area. See the GOV.UK Notify letter specification for more information.
technical-failure GOV.UK Notify had an unexpected error while sending the letter to our printing provider.
permanent-failure The provider cannot print the letter. Your letter will not be dispatched.

Get a PDF for a letter notification


This returns the pdf contents of a letter notification.

pdf_file = client.get_pdf_for_letter(
  'f33517ff-2a88-4f6e-b855-c550268ce08a' # notification id (required)


id (required)

The ID of the notification. To find the notification ID, you can either:


If the request to the client is successful, the client will return a string containing the raw PDF data.

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: id is not a valid UUID BadRequestError Check the notification ID
400 PDFNotReadyError: PDF not available yet, try again later BadRequestError Wait for the notification to finish processing. This usually takes a few seconds
400 BadRequestError: File did not pass the virus scan BadRequestError You cannot retrieve the contents of a letter notification that contains a virus
400 BadRequestError: PDF not available for letters in technical-failure BadRequestError You cannot retrieve the contents of a letter notification in technical-failure
400 ValidationError: Notification is not a letter BadRequestError Check that you are looking up the correct notification
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds BadRequestError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found BadRequestError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
404 NoResultFound: No result found BadRequestError Check the notification ID

Get a template

Get a template by ID


This returns the latest version of the template.

response = client.get_template_by_id(id)


id (required)

The ID of the template. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the Templates page to find it. For example:



If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::Template object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Template UUID String Template name String
response.type Template type (email/sms/letter) String
response.created_at Date and time template created String
response.updated_at Date and time template last updated (may be nil if version 1) String
response.created_by Email address of person that created the template String
response.version Template version String
response.body Template content String
response.subject Template subject (email and letter) String
response.letter_contact_block Template letter contact block (letter) String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: id is not a valid UUID BadRequestError Check the notification ID
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
404 NoResultFound: No Result Found NotFoundError Check your template ID

Get a template by ID and version


response = client.get_template_version(id, version)


id (required)

The ID of the template. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the Templates page to find it. For example:

version (required)

The version number of the template.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::Template object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Template UUID String Template name String
response.type Template type (email/sms/letter) String
response.created_at Date and time template created String
response.updated_at Date and time template last updated (may be nil if it is the first version) String
response.created_by Email address of person that created the template String
response.version Template version String
response.body Template content String
response.subject Template subject (email and letter) String
response.letter_contact_block Template letter contact block (letter) String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: id is not a valid UUID BadRequestError Check the notification ID
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information
404 NoResultFound: No Result Found NotFoundError Check your template ID and version

Get all templates


This returns the latest version of all templates inside a collection object.

args = {
  type: 'sms'
response = client.get_all_templates(args)


type (optional)

If you do not use type, the client returns all templates. Otherwise you can filter by:

  • email
  • sms
  • letter


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::TemplateCollection object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You must then call the .collection method on this object to return an array of the required templates.

Once the client has returned a template array, you must then call the following methods on the templates in this array to return information on those templates.

Method Information Type Template UUID String Template name String
response.type Template type (email/sms/letter) String
response.created_at Date and time template created String
response.updated_at Date and time template last updated (may be nil if it is the first version) String
response.created_by Email address of person that created the template String
response.version Template version String
response.body Template content String
response.subject Template subject (email and letter) String
response.letter_contact_block Template letter contact block (letter) String

If no templates exist for a template type or there no templates for a service, the templates array will be empty.

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 ValidationError: Template type is not one of [sms, email, letter] BadRequestError Contact the Notify team

Generate a preview template


This generates a preview version of a template.

response = client.generate_template_preview(id)

The parameters in the personalisation argument must match the placeholder fields in the actual template. The API notification client ignores any extra fields in the method.


id (required)

The ID of the template. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify and go to the Templates page to find it. For example:

personalisation (optional)

If a template has placeholder fields for personalised information such as name or application date, you must provide their values in a hash. For example:

personalisation: {
  name: "John Smith",
  ID: "300241",

You can leave out this argument if a template does not have any placeholder fields for personalised information.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::TemplatePreview object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You can then call different methods on this object to return the requested information.

Method Information Type Template UUID String
response.version Template version String
response.body Template content String
response.subject Template subject (email and letter) String
response.type Template type (sms/email/letter) String
response.html Body as rendered HTML (email only) String

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
400 BadRequestError: Missing personalisation: [PERSONALISATION FIELD] BadRequestError Check that the personalisation arguments in the method match the placeholder fields in the template
400 NoResultFound: No result found BadRequestError Check the template ID
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information

Get received text messages

This API call returns one page of up to 250 received text messages. You can get either the most recent messages, or get older messages by specifying a particular notification ID in the older_than argument.

You can only get the status of messages that are 7 days old or newer.

You can also set up callbacks for received text messages.

Enable received text messages

To receive text messages:

  1. Go to the Text message settings section of the Settings page.
  2. Select Change on the Receive text messages row.

Get a page of received text messages


args = {
  older_than: 'e194efd1-c34d-49c9-9915-e4267e01e92e'
response = client.get_received_texts(args)

To get older messages, pass the ID of an older notification into the older_than argument. This returns the next oldest messages from the specified notification ID.

If you leave out the older_than argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications.


older_than (optional)

Input the ID of a received text message into this argument. If you use this argument, the client returns the next 250 received text messages older than the given ID. For example:

older_than: '8e222534-7f05-4972-86e3-17c5d9f894e2'

If you leave out the older_than argument, the client returns the most recent 250 notifications.

The client only returns notifications that are 7 days old or newer. If the notification specified in this argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty collection response.


If the request to the client is successful, the client returns a Notifications::Client::ReceivedTextCollection object. In the example shown in the Method section, the object is named response.

You must then call either the .links method or the .collection method on this object.

Method Information
response.links Returns a hash linking to the requested texts (limited to 250)
response.collection Returns an array of the required texts

If you call the collection method on this object to return an array, you must then call the following methods on the received texts in this array to return information on those texts:

Method Information Type Received text UUID String
response.created_at Date and time of received text String
response.content Received text content String
response.notify_number Number that received text was sent to String
response.service_id Received text service ID String
response.user_number Number that received text was sent from String

If the notification specified in the older_than argument is older than 7 days, the client returns an empty collection response.

Error codes

If the request is not successful, the client raises a Notifications::Client::RequestError exception (or a subclass), which contains a code:

error.code error.message class How to fix
403 AuthError: Error: Your system clock must be accurate to within 30 seconds AuthError Check your system clock
403 AuthError: Invalid token: API key not found AuthError Use the correct API key. Refer to API keys for more information

Error messages

Error messages consist of:

  • a status_code, for example ‘400’
  • an error, for example ’BadRequestError’
  • a message, for example ‘Mobile numbers can only include: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( ) + -‘

Do not use the content of the messages in your code. These can sometimes change, which may affect your API integration.

Use the status_code or the error instead, as these will not change.

Find error codes in:


All testing takes place in the production environment. There is no test environment for GOV.UK Notify.

Smoke testing

If you need to smoke test your integration with Notify on a regular basis, you must use the following smoke test phone numbers and email addresses.

Phone numbers

  • 07700900000
  • 07700900111
  • 07700900222

Email addresses


The smoke test phone numbers and email addresses will validate the request and simulate a successful response, but will not send a real message, produce a delivery receipt or persist the notification to the database.

You can use these smoke test numbers and addresses with any type of API key.

You can smoke test all Notify API client functions except:

  • Get the status of one message
  • Get the status of all messages

You cannot use the smoke test phone numbers or email address with these functions because they return a fake notification_ID. If you need to test these functions, use a test API key and any other phone number or email.

Other testing

You must use a test API key to do non-smoke testing such as performance or integration testing. You can use any non-smoke testing phone numbers or email addresses. You do not need a specific Notify testing account.

API keys

There are three different types of API keys:

  • test
  • team and guest list
  • live

When you set up a new service it will start in trial mode. A service in trial mode can create test and team and guest list keys. You must have a live service to create a live key.

To create an API key:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the API integration page.
  3. Select API keys.
  4. Select Create an API key.


Use a test key to test the performance of your service and its integration with GOV.UK Notify.

Messages sent using a test key:

  • generate realistic responses
  • result in a delivered status
  • are not actually delivered to a recipient
  • do not appear on your dashboard
  • do not count against your text message and email allowances

To test failure responses with a test key, use the following numbers and addresses:

Phone number/Email address Response
07700900003 temporary-failure
07700900002 permanent-failure
temp-fail@simulator.notify temporary-failure
perm-fail@simulator.notify permanent-failure
any other valid number or address delivered

You do not have to revoke test keys.

Team and guest list

A team and guest list key lets you send real messages to your team members and addresses/numbers on your guest list while your service is still in trial mode.

You will get an error if you use these keys to send messages to anyone who is not on your team or your guest list.

Messages sent with a team and guest list key appear on your dashboard and count against your text message and email allowances.

You do not have to revoke team and guest list keys.


You can only create live keys once your service is live. You can use live keys to send messages to anyone.

Messages sent with a live key appear on your dashboard and count against your text message and email allowances.

You should revoke and re-create these keys on a regular basis. To revoke a key:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the API integration page.
  3. Select API keys.
  4. Select Revoke for the API key you want to revoke.

You can have more than one active key at a time.

You should never send test messages to invalid numbers or addresses using a live key.


Rate limits

You’re limited to sending 3,000 messages per minute.

This limit is calculated on a rolling basis, per API key type. If you exceed the limit, you will get a 429 error RateLimitError.

Daily limits

There’s a limit to the number of messages you can send each day:

Service status Type of API key Daily limit
Live Team or live
  • 250,000 emails
  • 250,000 text messages
  • 20,000 letters
Trial Team 50 emails or text messages
Live or trial Test Unlimited

These limits reset at midnight UTC.

Phone network limits

If you repeatedly send text messages to the same number the phone networks will block them.

There’s an hourly limit of:

  • 20 messages with the same content
  • 100 messages with any content

Your messages may not be delivered if you exceed these limits.


Callbacks are when GOV.UK Notify sends POST requests to your service. You can get callbacks when:

  • a text message or email you’ve sent is delivered or fails
  • your service receives a text message
  • a letter you sent is returned

Set up callbacks

You must provide:

  • a URL where Notify will post the callback to
  • a bearer token which Notify will put in the authorisation header of the requests

To do this:

  1. Sign in to GOV.UK Notify.
  2. Go to the API integration page.
  3. Select Callbacks.

Retry callbacks

If Notify sends a POST request to your service, but the request fails then we will retry.

We will retry every 5 minutes, up to a maximum of 5 times.

Delivery receipts

When you send an email or text message, Notify will send a receipt to your callback URL with the status of the message. This is an automated method to get the status of messages.

This functionality works with test API keys, but does not work with smoke testing phone numbers or email addresses.

The callback message is formatted in JSON. All of the values are strings, apart from the template version, which is a number. The key, description and format of the callback message arguments will be:

Key Description Format
id Notify’s id for the status receipts UUID
reference The reference sent by the service 12345678 or null
to The email address or phone number of the recipient or 07700912345
status The status of the notification delivered, permanent-failure, temporary-failure or technical-failure
created_at The time the service sent the request 2017-05-14T12:15:30.000000Z
completed_at The last time the status was updated 2017-05-14T12:15:30.000000Z or null
sent_at The time the notification was sent 2017-05-14T12:15:30.000000Z or null
notification_type The notification type email or sms
template_id The id of the template that was used UUID
template_version The version number of the template that was used 1

Received text messages

If your service receives text messages in Notify, Notify can forward them to your callback URL as soon as they arrive.

Find out how to let people send text messages to your service.

The callback message is formatted in JSON. All of the values are strings. The key, description and format of the callback message arguments will be:

Key Description Format
id Notify’s id for the received message UUID
source_number The phone number the message was sent from 447700912345
destination_number The number the message was sent to (your number) 07700987654
message The received message Hello Notify!
date_received The UTC datetime that the message was received by Notify 2017-05-14T12:15:30.000000Z

Returned letters

When a letter you sent is returned, Notify will send details of the returned letter to your callback URL.

Find more information about returned letters. It can take a few weeks to receive information about a returned letter.

The callback message is formatted in JSON. The key, description and format of the callback message arguments will be:

Key Description Format
notification_id Notify’s ID for the returned letter UUID
reference The reference sent by the service 12345678 or null
date_sent The time the letter was sent 2017-05-14T12:15:30.000000Z
sent_by The email address of the service member who sent the letter or null
template_name The name of the template that was used Template name
template_id The id of the template that was used UUID
template_version The version number of the template that was used 1
spreadsheet_file_name The name of the uploaded spreadsheet contact_list.csv or null
spreadsheet_row_number The row in the spreadsheet 2 or null
upload_letter_file_name The name of the uploaded letter uploaded_letter.pdf or null

API architecture

Architecture for sending a text message

  1. The service sends a text message notification to Notify.
  2. Notify sends the text message to the provider.
  3. The provider delivers the text message to the recipient.
  4. The recipient receives the text message and sends a delivery receipt to the provider.
  5. The provider sends the delivery receipt to Notify.
  6. Notify receives the delivery receipt and sends an API response to the service.
  7. The service receives the API response.

Architecture for sending an email

  1. The service sends an email notification to Notify.
  2. Notify sends the email to the provider.
  3. The provider delivers the email to the recipient.
  4. The recipient receives the email and sends a delivery receipt to the provider.
  5. The provider sends the delivery receipt to Notify.
  6. Notify receives the delivery receipt and sends an API response to the service.
  7. The service receives the API response.

Architecture for sending a letter

  1. The service sends a letter notification to Notify.
  2. Notify sends the letter to the provider.
  3. The provider prints the letter and posts it.
  4. The postal service delivers the letter.
  5. The recipient receives the letter.

Architecture for getting the status of a message

  1. The service requests a notification status from Notify.
  2. Notify queries the database and retrieves the notification status.
  3. Notify sends the API response with the notification status to the service.
  4. The service receives the API response.

Architecture for getting received text messages

  1. Recipients send text messages.
  2. Notify receives the text messages.
  3. The service requests all or specific received text messages from Notify.
  4. Notify receives the request for received text messages.
  5. Notify sends the received text messages to the service.
  6. The service receives the received text messages.